RT5: Data Sensitive Application Use-Cases Driven Validation

Theme Leaders: Prof Phil James and Dr Mutaz Barika

RT5 aims to show how our research and technology can be used in real-world situations, especially in healthcare, autonomous transport, energy security whilst progressing to manufacturing in phase 2.

In healthcare, we’ll work with hospitals and other healthcare providers to develop Edge AI systems that can help diagnose and predict central nervous system disorders using data from different sources. We’ll also use public databases to improve public health research and create personalised disease monitoring systems that protect people’s privacy.

For autonomous transport, we will use data from vehicles and traffic systems to make transportation safer and more efficient. We will test our systems in real-world environments to make sure they work well and can resist cyber-attacks.

In energy security, we will focus on protecting energy infrastructure from cyber-attacks that could disrupt operations or cause damage. We will use Edge AI to quickly detect abnormal patterns and strengthen the resilience of energy systems.

Edge AI Industry Engagement